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The Law of Attraction 

The Power behind "the Secret". The Law of Attraction is an important part in the Secret of Success, inasmuch as it tends to bring to us the things, persons and circumstances in accordance with our earnest Desire, Demand, and Will, just as it brings together the atoms and other particles of matter. Make yourself an atom of Living Desire and you will attract to yourself the person, things and circumstances fitting in with the accomplishment of your Desire. You will also get into rapport with those who are working along the same lines of thought, and will be attracted to them and they to you, and you will be brought into relations with persons, things and environments likely to work out the problem of your Desires – you will get “next to” the right persons and things - all by the operation of this great natural Law of Attraction. No Necromancy or Magic about it at all – nothing supernatural or mysterious – just the operations of a great Natural Law.

"The Power behind "the Secret". The Law of Attraction: Its Expressions and Idioms" eBook.  "Excerpts from the original authors works they may be, but complete they are in the singular thought process of some of the greatest authors of their time on the Law of Attraction and its expressions and idioms. These authors have influenced many of the self-help gurus of our present time; their writings are timeless." 

This 155 page ebook contains excerpts from The Secret of Success by William W. Atkinson, The Master Key System by Charles F. Haanel, The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles, Your Invisible Power by Genevieve Behrend, Within You is the Power by Henry T. Hamblin, Your Forces and How to Use Them By Christian Larson, As a Man Thinketh By James Allen, Self Mastery By Emile Coué, The Science of Mind By Ernest Holmes, Think and Grow Rich By Napoleon Hill, The Art and Science of Personal Magnetism By Theron Q. Dumont, The Edinburgh Lectures on Mental Science By Thomas Troward, and much more. See free preview for contents.   

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Please Visit this Free Mp3 Audio link  for The Law of Attraction in the Thought World by William Walker Atkinson. The Universe is governed by Law - one great Law. Its manifestations are multiform. but viewed from the Ultimate there is but one Law. We speak learnedly of the Law of Gravity, but ignore that equally wonderful manifestation, THE LAW OF ATTRACTION.

Law of Attraction; 25 Activities to Help Magnetize the LOA in Your Life - eBook by Donald Gordon Carty - 86 Pages

A magnetized piece of iron will lift twelve times its own weight. But demagnetized, it won’t even lift the weight of a feather. Your mind works in a similar way. Magnetized with Creative Thinking and Positive Expectation, you embody the “Law of Attraction”. This means that what you think, say, and do attracts an enormous number of external assets (the commitment, support, and dedicated efforts of other people, the inherent advantages, benefits, and rewards of every situation). This ebook contains 25 activities to help you understand and use the law of attraction TODAY.

Special eBook offer

How we secure what we Persistently Desire

The fact that you have failed to get the lesser proves conclusively that you deserve the greater. So therefore, dry those tears and go in search of the worthier prize. Count nothing lost; even the day that sees “no worthy action done” may be a day of preparation and accumulation that will add greatly to the achievements of tomorrow. Many a day was made famous because nothing was done the day before. Know what you want and continue to want it. You will get it if you combine desire with faith. The power of desire when combined with faith becomes invincible. This invincibility is the Law of Attraction. Some of the principal reasons why so many fail to get what they want is because they do not definitely know what they want or because they change their wants almost every day.

Desire - the motive force of the Law of Attraction

The purpose of desire is to inform man what he needs at every particular moment to supply the demands of change and growth in his life; and in promoting that purpose, desire gives expression to its two leading functions. The first of these is to give the forces of the human system something definite to do, and the second is to arouse those forces or faculties that have the natural power to do what is to be done. In exercising its first function, desire not only promotes concentration of action among the forces in man, but also causes those forces to work for the thing that is wanted. Therefore, it is readily understood why the wish, if strong, positive, determined and continuous, will tend to produce the thing wished for.

The Emerald Tablet; and the Alchemy of Spiritual Transformation - Special eBook offer

The fast-cut montage that begins the Secret video features scenes from a mysterious green tablet - the Emerald Tablet. The Secret book begins with an eight-word excerpt attributed to the Emerald Tablet, circa 3000 BCE: "As above, so below. As within, so without." But after the brief acknowledgement, Byrne and her team of best selling authors and coaches never again mention this Emerald Tablet nor the Hermetic philosophy and teachings associated with it. 

Explore the Tablet's mysterious and universal formula for personal transformation and collective evolution through this much anticipated eBook. This wisdom was protected and became the cornerstone for Hermetic sciences and philosophy.  

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If you can cause all the elements and powers in your being to work for the one thing that you want you are almost certain to get it. In fact, you will get it unless it is so large that it is beyond you, or beyond the power of your present capacity to produce; though in that case you have exercised poor judgment; you have permitted yourself to desire what lies outside of your sphere; and what you could neither appreciate nor use were you to get it. What you can appreciate, enjoy and use in your present sphere of existence, you have the power, in your present state of development, to produce; that is, you can produce it if all your power is applied in your effort to produce it; and when you desire any particular thing with the full force and capacity of your desire you cause all your power to be applied in producing that particular thing.

In exercising its second function, desire proceeds directly into that faculty or group of forces that can, if fully applied, produce the very thing that is desired.

In its first function it tends to bring all the forces of the system together, and inspires them with the desire to work for what is wanted. It acts upon the system in general and gives everything in the system something definite to do, that something definite in each case being the one thing desired. In its second function it acts upon certain parts of the system in particular; always upon those parts that can do what is wanted done; and it tends to arouse all the life and power that those particular parts may contain.  

How desire proceeds, and how it secures results in this respect is easily illustrated. We will take, for example, a man who is not earning as much as he feels that he needs. Naturally, he will begin to desire more money; and we will suppose that this desire becomes stronger and stronger until it actually stirs every atom of his being. Now what happens? He is not only arousing a great deal of latent and unused energy, but all of his active energy is becoming more and more alive. But what becomes of all this energy? It goes directly into his moneymaking faculties, and tends to increase decidedly the life, the power, the capacity and the efficiency of those faculties. There is in every mind a certain group of faculties that is made by nature for financial purposes. In some minds these faculties are small and sluggish, while in other minds they are large and active. And that the latter kind should be able to make more money and accumulate things in a greater measure is quite natural.

But is it possible to take those faculties that are small and sluggish and make them large and active? If so, those who now have limited means may in the course of time have abundance. To answer this question, we will ask what it is that can arouse any faculty to become larger and more active, and we find that it is more energy, and energy that is more alive. No matter how sluggish a faculty may be, if it is thoroughly charged, so to speak, with highly active energy, it simply must become more active. And no matter how small it may be, if it continues to receive a steady stream of added life, energy and power, day after day, month after month, year after year, it simply must increase in size and capacity. And whenever any faculty becomes greater in capacity and more alive in action it will do better work; that is, it will gradually gain in ability and power until it has sufficient ability and power to produce what you wished for.

Returning to the man in our illustration, we will see how the principle works.

The Books that inspired and define "the Secret"-  which is the Law of Attraction 

"The Science of Getting Rich Workbook" by Wallace D. Wattles and Donald Gordon Carty - The book that inspired "the Secret. The original 1910 version as described  on the Oprah Winfrey Show and Larry King Live.  Wattles says his book is "Intended for the men and women whose most pressing need is for money; who wish to get rich first, and philosophize afterward. In addition to the complete original "Science of Getting Rich" you will have sections like; “Reflection” (which will serve as time markers), “Hourly Helps”(which will instruct you on how to handle the things which wear soul, spirit, and body almost to the snapping point), a section entitled “Interpreting the Word” (Glossary of certain terms) and an explanation of “The 12 Universal Laws” (as described today), excerpts and summaries of  The Science of Being Well and The Science of Being Great and much much more. 

Click here for the Special Wallace D. Wattles eBook Collection

"The Master Key System Workbook" by Charles F. Haanel and Donald Gordon Carty - The Master Key System is the only 24 Lesson  presentation of the Creative Power of Thought. It teaches the ultimate principles, causes, effects, and laws that underlie all attainment and Success. You will learn the solution to attaining your goals and solving all your problems .... Personal, Financial, and Business.  In addition to the complete 24 part Master Key System you will have sections like; “Reflection” (which will serve as time markers), “Hourly Helps”(which will instruct you on how to handle the things which wear soul, spirit, and body almost to the snapping point), a section entitled “Interpreting the Word” (Glossary of certain terms) and an explanation of “The 12 Universal Laws” (as described today).  

Click here for the Special Master Key eBook Collection

How the Law of Attraction works

His money-making faculties are too small and too sluggish to produce as much money as he needs. He begins to desire for more. This desire becomes strong enough to arouse every element and force in his money-making faculties; for here be it remembered that the force of any desire goes directly into that faculty that can, by nature, produce the thing desired. This is one of the laws of mind. In addition, the action of his desire tends to arouse all the other forces of his system, and tends to concentrate those forces upon the idea of making more money. In the beginning, no important change in his financial ability may be noticed, except that he feels more and more confidence in his power to secure the greater amount desired. In a short time, however, possibly within a few months, he begins to get new ideas about the advancement of his work. His mind is beginning to work more actively upon the idea of increased gain. Accordingly, suggestions as to how he might increase the earning capacity of his business are constantly coming up in his mind, and ways and means and plans are taking shape and form more and more completely. The actions of his money-making faculties are also beginning to change; that is, they are becoming finer, more penetrating, and more keen so that his insight into financial matters is steadily improving. He is therefore securing the necessary essentials to greater financial gain, and as he applies them all things will naturally begin to take a turn.

To state it briefly, his strong, persistent desire for more money has aroused his money-making faculties. They have become stronger, more active, more wide-awake and more efficient. And as a strong, wide-awake faculty can do many times as good work as one that is only partly alive, we understand how his desire for more money has given him the ability to make more money. As he continues this desire, making it stronger and more persistent, his financial ability will increase accordingly, and his financial gains continue to increase in proportion.  

The Law of Attraction requires combined Action

Many may doubt the efficiency of the plan just presented, because as is well known, most people desire more money but do not always get it. But do they always wish hard enough? It is not occasional desire, or half-hearted desire that gets the thing desired. It is persistent desire; and persistent desire not only desires continually, but with all the power of life and mind and soul. The force of a half alive desire, when acting upon a certain faculty, cannot cause that faculty to become fully alive. Nor can such a desire marshal all the unused forces of the system and concentrate them all upon the attainment of the one thing wanted. And it is true that the desires of most people are neither continuous nor very deep. They are shallow, occasional wishes without enough power to stir to action a single atom.  


Then we must also remember that results do not necessarily follow the use of a single force. Sometimes the force of persistent desire alone may do wonders, but usually it is necessary to apply in combined action all the forces of the human system. The force of desire, however, is one of the greatest of these, and when fully expressed in connection with the best talents we may possess, the thing desired will certainly be secured.  

Illustrations of how the Law of Attraction works

We may take several other illustrations. Suppose you have a strong desire for more and better friends. The action of that desire, if deep, whole-hearted and persistent will tend to impress the qualities of friendship upon every element of your character. In consequence, you will in time become the very incarnation of friendship; that is, you will become a better and a better friend, and he who becomes a better friend will constantly receive more and better friends. In other words, you become like the thing you desire, and when the similarity has become complete you will get what you want through the law of like attracting like.

You may desire to succeed in a certain line of work; we will say, in the literary field. If your desire for success in that field is full and persistent, the power of that desire will constantly increase the life, the activity and the capacity of your literary faculties, and you will naturally do better work in that field. The same is true with regard to any other line of work, because your desire for greater success in your work will arouse to fuller action those faculties that you employ in that work. But, in every case, the desire must be deep, whole-souled, persistent and strong. It is therefore evident that results in all lines of endeavour depend very largely upon the power of desire, and that no one can afford to let their desires lag for a moment.

The law should be: Know what you want, and then want it with all the life and power that is in you. Get your mind and your life fully aroused. Persistent desire will do this. And that it is most important to do this is proven by the fact that in thousands of instances, a partly alive mind is the only reason why the goal in view has not been reached. It is necessary, however, that your desires continue uninterruptedly along the lines you have chosen. You may desire a score or more of different things, but continue each desire without change, unless you should find that certain changes are necessary to secure the greater results you have in mind.  

How to apply the power within the Law of Attraction

To desire one thing today and another tomorrow means failure. To work for one thing this year and another thing next year is the way to empty handedness at the end of every year. Before you begin to apply the power of desire, know with a certainty what you want because when you get what you have desired, you may have to take it. If you do not know definitely what you really do want, desire a better judgment, a clearer understanding and a more balanced life. Desire to know what is best for you, and the force of that desire will tend to produce normal action in every part of your system. Then you will feel distinctly what the highest welfare of your nature actually demands. In deciding upon what you want, however, do not be timid, and do not measure the possible with the yard-stick of general appearances. Let your aspirations be high, only be sure that you are acting within the sphere of your own inherent capacity; though in this connection it is well to remember that your inherent capacity is many times as great as it has been supposed to be; and also that it can be continuously enlarged.  

In choosing what you are to desire, act within reason, but go after the best. If the full power of desire is applied upon all the elements of your mind and character, what is latent within you will be aroused, developed and expressed; you will become much more than you are and thereby will not only desire the best, but be able to be of service to the best. And this latter fact is important. When we desire the great and the wonderful we must ask what we have to give the great and the wonderful in return. It is not only necessary to get the best -- to realize our ideal, but it is also necessary to be so good and so great that we can give to the best as much as we are receiving from the best.  

The Law of Attraction and our Ideal Self

Before we begin to wish for an ideal, we must ask what that ideal is going to get when it comes. Coupled with our desire for the ideal, therefore, we must have an equally strong desire for the remaking of ourselves so that we may become equal to that ideal in every respect. If we want an ideal companion, we must not only wish for such a companion, but we must also desire the development of those qualities in ourselves that we know would make us agreeable to that companion. If we want a different environment we should wish for such an environment with all the life and soul we possess, and should at the same time wish for the increase of those powers in our own talents that can earn such an environment. If we want a better position we should desire such a position every minute and also desire that we may become more competent to fill it when it comes.

The power of desire not only tends to arouse added life and power in these faculties upon which it may act, but it also tends to make the mind as a whole more alert and wide-awake along those lines. This is well illustrated by the fact that when we have a strong, continuous desire for information on a certain subject, we always find someone or something that can give us that information. And the reason is that all the faculties of the mind are prompted by the force of this desire to be constantly on the look-out for that information. That the same law will apply in the desire or search for wisdom, new ideas, better plans, better opportunities, more agreeable environments and more ideal companions, is clearly understood. And when we couple this fact with the fact that the power of desire tends to increase the life, the ability, the working capacity and the efficiency of these faculties or forces that can produce what we desire, we must certainly admit that those who have found the secret of using desire have made a great find indeed.  

For the Law of Attraction to work Your Desire must be Persistent & Strong

But, as stated before, and it cannot be repeated too often, the desire must be persistent and strong, as strong as all the life and soul we possess. In other words, we must wish hard enough, and we wish hard enough when our desires are sufficiently full and deep and strong to thoroughly arouse those faculties that have the natural ability to fulfill those desires. Many desires are only strong enough to arouse their corresponding faculties to a slight degree -- not enough to increase the activity or working capacity of these faculties, while most desires are too weak to arouse any force or faculty in the least. The act of wishing hard enough, however, does not imply hard mental work. If you make hard work of your wishing, you will use up your energy instead of turning it into those channels where it can be applied to good account. It is depth of desire and fullness of desire combined in an action that is directed continuously upon the one thing desired that constitutes true desire. To wish hard enough is simply to wish for all that you want with all that is in you. But we cannot wish with all that is in us unless our wish is subconscious as well as conscious because the subconscious is a part of us – the larger part of us.

To make every desire subconscious, the subconscious mind should always be included in the process of desire; that is, whenever we express a desire we should think of the subconscious, and combine the thought of that desire with our thought of the subconscious mind. Every desire should be deeply felt as all deeply felt mental actions become subconscious actions. It is an excellent practice to let every desire sink into the deeper mental life, so to speak; and also to act in and through that deeper mental life, whenever we give expression to desire; or, in other words, when we turn on the full force and power of that desire. To become proficient in these methods requires some practice, though all that is necessary to become proficient is to continue to try. No special rule is required. Begin by feeling your desires through and through. Make them as strong and as deep as you can, and always combine the living action of your desire with your thought of those faculties through which you know that desire is to work.

To illustrate: If you desire greater success in your work, think of those faculties that you are using in your work whenever you give full expression to your desire. If you are a business man, think of your business faculties whenever you desire greater business success. If you are a musician, think of your musical faculties whenever you desire greater proficiency in your music. Though in case your desires should be such that you do not know through what kinds of faculties it will naturally be expressed, never mind. Continue to desire what you want; the power of that desire, if persistent and strong, will find a way to make your wish come true.  

The Secret to the Law of Attraction

When we understand how desire works, and know that it works only when it is persistent, we realize that we have found, not only a great secret, but also a simple explanation for many of the failures in life as well as many of its greatest achievements. And from the facts in the case we conclude that no matter what an individual’s condition or position may be today, if they will decide upon that something better that they want, they may get it, provided their wish for it is as strong as their own life and as large as their own soul.

Substance and Supply - AFFIRMATION

The Substance of the Spirit is my Daily Supply.
I cannot be without my Good.
I can see that the constant stream of Life flowing to me brings
into my experience all that makes Life happy and worthwhile.
I rest in security, knowing that Infinite Good is within and is expressing through me.
I receive my good.

Your FREE eBook, "How to Turn Desires Into Action & Achieve Success." excerpt from "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill. "Everything man creates or acquires, begins in the form of DESIRE, desire is taken on the first lap of its journey, from the abstract to the concrete, into the workshop of the IMAGINATION, where PLANS for its transition are created and organized." Napoleon Hill  

Please Visit the Free Mp3 Audio links below for Success talks.

The Law of Attraction in the Thought World by William Walker Atkinson - Segment 8. The Universe is governed by Law - one great Law. Its manifestations are multiform. but viewed from the Ultimate there is but one Law. We speak learnedly of the Law of Gravity, but ignore that equally wonderful manifestation, THE LAW OF ATTRACTION IN THE THOUGHT WORLD.

The Secret Of Abundant Supply by Henry Thomas Hamblin - Segment 23.
It is a metaphysical truth that the outward life is a reflection of the thought life. Our life is affected by our habit of thinking and attitude of mind, in two ways: first, all our actions are unconsciously influenced by our thoughts, thus helping to brin...

Operation Of Your Mental Picture by Genevieve Behrend - Segment 21. There is nothing unusual or mysterious in the idea of your pictured desire coming into material evidence. It is the working of a universal, natural Law. The world was projected by the self-conception of the Universal Mind, and this action is taking place in...

Inspiration & Meditation Series - "for the rest of my Life" offers a plethora of data for the soul in it’s infinite journey. It’s soliloquy is a sublime meditative series of affirmations & thoughts , rooted in eternity. This tree has many branches & multi-colored leaves all flowing in the stream of light , energy & the power of love. Whether one be a follower of the various faiths of this world or other worlds , the design of D.G.C.’s work is enthralling. Take a moment & let the power of this work draw you into a new reality.

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For continued Education please view our Top 50 of the Greatest Self Help, Success, Spiritual and Personal Transformation eBooks ever written. Where you will also find another Free Personal Development eBook.

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Your FREE eBook just for Visiting, "The Reality of the Unseen." by William James. It posits that individual religious experiences, rather than the tenets of organized religions, form the backbone of religious life--studded with richly concrete examples--documents and discusses various states on consciousness. James was the first to define Spirituality as "the feelings, acts, and experiences of individual men in their solitude."

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